In the News

DePaul Blue Demons

Men's Tennis Wins ITA Community Service Award


CHICAGO – For the third time in the last four years, the DePaul men’s tennis team has been honored with the Intercollegiate Tennis Association (ITA) Midwest Regional Community Service and Outreach Award.

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6 Caring Organizations Working In Central And South America


Due in large part to centuries of colonialism and geopolitical conflict, the countries of Central and South America continue to face a number of pressing social challenges. Thankfully, organizations such as the ones included here are dedicated to honoring and empowering the many communities that make up these regions. They offer educational programs, health initiatives, and an array of resources to improve the lives of those most vulnerable.

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The Albion Pleiad

Albion Women “STEM” from Greatness: The Future


For centuries, women have fought for equality between the sexes. Inequality between women and men lurks in the shadows in seemingly small to egregiously large ways. From blue and pink baby shower themes to disparities in jobs, inequality exists in all aspects of society. Although society in the United States has made efforts to flatten the curve of inequality between the sexes, women today are still advocating for their rights in numerous ways.

At Albion, students have the opportunity to apply to the Student Research Partnership (SRP) program, FURSCA, Center for Sustainability and the Environment (CSE), Global Medical Brigades, Delta Sigma Pi, geology Club, astronomy club, engineering club and many more clubs. Undergraduate students can also apply to Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), AMGEN scholars program, SURF programs and other STEM opportunities.

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Prankl Consulting


Eine Toilette und sauberes Wasser: Für uns ist das eine Selbstverständlichkeit, doch für viele andere Menschen nur schwer erreichbar. Global Brigades hat das in zwei Ghanaischen Dörfern in geändert – Prankl Consulting hat sie dabei unterstützt.

A toilet and clean water: this is a matter of course for us, but difficult to reach for many other people. Global Brigades has changed that in two Ghanaian villages – Prankl Consulting supported them.


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The University News

Becoming a Global Citizen: My Global Brigades Story


I gained so much more on this trip than a resume-building experience or a do-good feeling. Talking with people my age about real-world issues like government corruption and climate change, learning how to communicate in Spanish or simply with body language, and experiencing the pure natural beauty of Panama’s mountain sides are all immeasurable reasons I have become a better global citizen because of my Panama brigade. And being a part of a sustainable, admirable organization like Global Brigades isn’t only about building up and supporting communities; it’s also about cultural exchange, about meeting in “spaces of Otherness.”

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The Observer

Students to volunteer in Honduras to empower residents on legal issues


During spring break this year, eight Notre Dame students will travel to Honduras to hold discussions and workshops to educate and empower local residents. The trip is being sponsored by the Notre Dame chapter of the Global Legal Empowerment Brigades, a division of the international non-profit Global Brigades.

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The New Paltz Oracle

Activism in New Paltz: SUNY New Paltz Global Medical Brigades / Asian and Pacific Islander Student Alliance


SUNY New Paltz Global Medical Brigades is a student group whose goal is to educate the campus and the wider New Paltz community on some of the most pressing health issues around the world. These students work with licensed medical practitioners to set up medical clinics in rural areas of the globe that may have inadequate access to health care. These brigades head out to the communities every three or four months to provide their services. In addition to medical services, the Global Medical Brigades aid in projects that promote sustainable living and clean water.

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UBC Okanagan students helping rural communities in Honduras


A group of University of British Columbia Okanagan campus students are preparing for the trip of a lifetime. This May, students involved in Global Brigades will travel to Honduras to work alongside local doctors and help set up a mobile medical clinic where community members can access free healthcare.

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Penn Today

Penn announces seven 2020 Thouron Award winners: Maia Yoshida


Maia Yoshida, of Madison, New Jersey, received her bachelor’s degree in 2018 in molecular and cell biology with a minor in fine arts. She is now a researcher in a bioengineering lab, engineering immune cells to better fight cancers. While at Penn, she researched the molecular mechanisms involved in neurodegenerative diseases and was a teaching assistant for a fine arts course on biological design. She also taught elementary school science at the Penn Alexander School in West Philadelphia. As the president of Global Brigades at Penn, she led fundraising efforts for sustainable development projects in Honduras.

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BizTimes Milwaukee Business News

Community Service: Joshua Knox | 2019 Health Care Heroes Award Winners


A trip to Honduras through the Global Medical Brigades chapter at Marquette University inspired Joshua Knox to do more to meet the medical needs of people in his own backyard.

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