Business Overview

To prevent young fisherman from leaving the community to seek work elsewhere and to generate more profit for the community in general a fishing boat was purchased to increase production.

Fishing Boat - Ekumfi Srafa Aboano, Ghana

Economic Challenge

The community of Ekumfi Srafa Aboano is located near the Atlantic Ocean. The community members are predominantly fishermen but had no boat to help ply their trade. This young and abled youth were migrating from the community in search other work opportunities due to the challenges they face fishing.

Business Solution

The Business

In September 2015, with Global Brigades support, the community of Ekumfi Srafa Aboano came up with the business idea to purchase a fully operative fishing boat and start fishing business that would create work and generate profits for the development of the community. The boat was purchased and an executive committee comprised of the Chief and selected elders of the community serve as the patron and financial management team to direct the activities of the boat. A group of committed fishermen serve as the crew for the boat and are responsible for the operations and marketing tasks.

Next Steps

1: Successfully transition management team

Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024